Sunday, April 25, 2010

Living & Learning

Have you ever had a dream that you had a beautiful home in the country? On a lake - so serene, so peaceful... well I had just that. I bought this property and believe me it changed my life. For the better? ... well not yet...but I'm working on it and i know eventually it will be perfect!!!

Lets go back a little....I had pretty much everything going for me. I had a beautiful condo in the city, a great job and a terrific guy. We travelled allot, attended gala functions and ate at the finest restaurants. I always enjoyed going to cottage country together. We were fortunate to have friends with beautiful properties on beautiful lakes but these places were summer homes...dishwashers and laundry know...As a child I couldnt wait to go to the cottage! - I mean who didn't??? The fires, the boats, fine food, friends...a nice way to wind down from all the city 'hoopla'.Curtains for doorways, outdoor showers, skinny dipping, simple cottage livin'.
My girlfriend and her husband had moved to the country and I rarely got to see her so when a property finally went up for sale in the area I was on it like flies on rice ;) So here I was in San Francisco batteling out things with my real estate agent as I walked mason street in between appointments. I wanted this property sooo bad i was on a mission....My other half wasnt so pleased with the idea especially when I came home and told him what I had done. He thought I was crazy. ( to be honest lately there are times when I think he may have been right but hey we all have a bit of crazy in us hehe & this was a risk that seemed so positive and as my imagination sored I saw endless possibilities)
Finally my deal was done. The lot was mine. Lake front where the sun would rise & lake back where the sun would set - this was going to be awesome!!! Now my guy was so by the book - his 't-s' always crosed and his 'i-s' always dotted...he was sooo pissed but this was my deal, my dough and I eventually made that pretty clear but now when I look back he could have been right as my first mistake.... NO HOUSE INSPECTION....ok got to run - to be continued........